Friday, October 23, 2015

 Tangrams, A Giant Crossbow, Pentominoes,Codecombat, 
Power of 10, The Gettysburg Address, and EGGS! 
  It's hard to get everything in when you do not have a grade level for the whole day, but we manage to make the best of our time. The students spent the morning making designs using tangrams while following along to Grandfather Tang's  Story. Later they  were able to use the Osmo Tangram  app on the iPad, which they  thoroughly enjoyed. Parallel lines were introduced and a walk around the room to identify them was fun too. We spent the later part of class learning about arches. Below you will see them having  fun making arches with their bodies.  We ended the class by  reading  The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. 

Arianna, Madalyn,and Sephora moving their tangrams around to form an animal's shape.

Eugene, Cody, and Colin  finding parallel lines on the filing cabinet and on the iPad cabinet. 

    Madalyn, Sephora, and Cooper find the lines on a poster and the classroom floor.

Building an arch with our bodies.

4th graders

Today was a good day like all G.T. days. Fun, exciting, and challenging. First, we went to the computer lab and played code combat. I got passed 2 more levels and it was fun!! I think code combat is slightly easy so I am thinking about code academy. Then, Mrs. Horan posted a question for us on google classroom. The question was ... Da Vinci was a inventor, artist, scientist, and much more. Of these there things, what would you like to be known for? I chose a inventor because I am capable of inventing stuff that will help humans live a better life. I am thinking about hovering vehicles and all of those future stuff. After a while of that, we went back to the classroom and read a website about Da Vinci. The interesting thing is that the Ballista was 86 ft. long. I thought the Ballista was cool. We measured 86 ft. in a hallway. I over estimated it by a lot! A while later, we started drawing/painting for the school. I mainly did it for Veterans Day and some for the LEAD thing that the art teacher at our  school is making. That took awhile.Then we read some Chasing Vermeer which was good like always. Pentominoes!!!!!! Then we did some delightful math. The first one was hard, but after that, I started to get it. That was fun but unfortunately, it was time to go. We said are goodbyes as we walked to our normal classes.
 By Alexander
Aidan and R.J. measuring 86 feet, the size of Da Vinci's arrow. 
Estimating the distance of 86 feet. Boy, were they off! :-)

     Politoad, our class frog.
Alexander and Royce designing patterns for the Veteran's Day quilt.
Shloka preparing the background for the LEADER in ME design.
Making the covers for our Da Vinci booklets.
                                                                    5th graders
This week in G.T. we accomplished a lot! We started our day by explaining  what was heavier - a mountain or -a mistake. Then we learned about the Gettysburg Address, which lead to us learning a lot about Abraham Lincoln - what he believed in,how he died,but most importantly about a 10 sentence speech he gave. Then we had a Socratic dialogue in the hall,about what was the most important thing Lincoln was trying to get across in his speech. It was amazing how he gave one of the best speeches in history, in only 10 sentences! Then Mrs.Horan showed us a picture book called Zoom. She asked us how it related to what we had just done. Sadly, none of us answered correctly.  After that, we read a little of the Giver. Lastly, we did something very cool...... WALKING ON EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They aren't supposed to break because of equal pressure. Sometimes this worked for us,but unfortunately sometimes it didn't, but it was TOTALLY worth the mess. I can't wait to see what we'll do next week in G.T.!


Alexa and Bryson programming on Codecombat.
Mind Food: The students are given a few minutes in the morning to write their thoughts down on the question of the day. This leads to some thought provoking answers. 

Socratic Dialogue: Cognition: What was Lincoln's main point, the key thing that he wanted everyone to understand? Justify your answer with quotations for the Gettysburg Address.
The power of 10!

Egg video

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tinkercad, Right Brain/Left Brain, Phantom Tollbooth,

                           The Giver, and  Rules

Tinkercad, PhaThis post was taken from a brilliant co-worker, Terri Eichols, blog  

Engineergirl is an awesome site for young students who would like to know about engineering.

Obviously, the site is aimed at girls.  However, there is a lot of information that will appeal to both genders.  The "Try on a Career" page allows you to click on different types of engineering occupations to learn more.  The site also includes interviews with engineers, resources,  and information on "How to Get There."
EngineerGirl is currently sponsoring an essay contest for girls and boys in grades 3-12.  Students must propose a new technology that they think would help in at least one of these areas:
·         Safety
·         Health
·         Well-being, and
·         Environmental sustainability
Entries are due by 2/1/16.



     "In GT this week we went to the fifth grade computer lab to try a new coding program called Scratch that everyone agrees is fun.  We can get onto our computers at home and play with it too. We also learned  about what the right and left hemispheres do. After last week's class where we took a test to see what side of our brain works the most, we put our % down to see what characteristics each side had. We then made a side profile of ourselves and  divided into two parts,  a right and left hemisphere. The things written in the lines describe what we feel are about us. . We listened to Bach for a little while as we were designing our project. Then  Mrs.Horan read us the Phantom Tollbooth after that we left to go home." by Marina 

4th graders 

5th Graders
This week in G.T, we learned  A LOT! We started our day by going to the computer lab, we had the option of going on Tinkercad (a site where you can build things) or Codecombat ( a site that teaches you how to program). Both sites challenged our minds. Then, we came back to the classroom and read The Giver (a really interesting book). After that, we talked about philosophy. Which led to us creating rules if we were in charge of a community. Then we voted on what we thought were the top five most important rules. There were some disagreements, but that helped us with our debating skills. In the end of the day we walked out of the room thinking just like philosophers!  By Gloria