Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sometimes Things Just Don't Turn Out The Way You Want Them To , Moms Wear Many Hats, Where In The World Are You? Sayest Thou What?! WHAT IS RIGHT, WHAT IS WRONG? 

Second Graders
Students are quickly learning through hands-on experimenting  the phrase " the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry". Through lots of trial and errors their original plans are not working out and many have to start over again and rethink their tactic. As a teacher I know that this is how they will learn and all the benefits of having a growth mindset. Regardless, the kids are having fun and enjoying the time they are given to explore, create, and collaborate. 

"On Tuesday we started the day by playing a quick round of “Don’t Gross out the World”, it was so much fun even though we only got THREE out of eleven!!!! When we finished with that we read a kids newspaper from 1988! It talked about Fibonacci numbers and the man who created them.  
After that Mrs. Haider came and and helped us hook up the camera for our Mystery Hangout session. We got in our places to do our jobs for Mystery Hang-out and when the teacher  from the other school was ready we got on the camera. We beat them in only 4 or 5 questions, we asked if they were west of the Mississippi river and they said no. Then we asked them if they bordered the Atlantic Ocean and they said no. After that we asked them if they bordered one of the Great Lakes and they said yes! After that we asked them if their state started with a vowel and they said yes!!! Now it could only be Iowa and they said it was!!  WE WERE THRILLED THAT WE GUESSED CORRECTLY FIRST!!!! Two questions later, they guessed we were living in Texas.
   Shortly after this we had some more of Math Day, but Mrs. Horan added even more centers this time. Then we did a page of algebra but this time we used negative numbers too! When we finished we read the cutest book “Pierre in Love“ because we were finished with our group books and Mrs. Horan loves to read to her class. We all liked the cute story. Mrs. Horan told us the story of how she met her husband. She met him in fourth grade!!!!  When we went back to our seats we finished our Fibonacci spirals we had started a few weeks back and then we got our things and went home." Mariana

Fourth Graders



The students learned about a story of a truly extraordinary and unlikely friendship between a hippo and an ancient tortoise. After reading the book Owen and Mzee aloud and discussing significance of the events in the story, the students created their impression of the story and wrote about what they heard.