Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Contest, Eyebombing, Puppet Edu, Fibonacci Numbers, Ethics
 Wearing our wonderful mustaches, we read the book The Lorax while making comparisons as the scenes in the book changed. The students also were looking for character traits of the Lorax and recorded the information as it were described in the book. They  continued working in their SHAPES books, concentrating on angles and sides. 

First Graders
 We started out the day by "eyebombing" areas in our classroom. The students  made their own eyes, and placed them around the room. Adding the "tech" piece to the lesson, they took a picture of their work, used Shadowpuppet edu, and recorded themselves as though their piece was talking.

       Making predictions - Students watched as the cloud and wind changed, making predictions as to what time the rain would begin and in what direction the clouds were moving. 
 MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES- Another scavenger hunt !

Students continued with their Marble Maze Challenge. Each maze must have 20 cardboard tubes and 4 turns. Using their iPads they would record how quickly their marble went down the tube all the while learning interesting facts about their construction and comparing them to their classmates.



"When we got into the classroom on Tuesday Mrs.Horan told us about our homework. We had a Science Project; Mrs.Horan explained the standards and then we went into the hallway so that a few more people could show us their Brain Projects. 
When we got back into the classroom we read Tuck Everlasting until Mrs. Horan said to put them away so we could learn about the Fibonacci Numbers and how they appear in nature. The Fibonacci Numbers are a sequence of numbers made by adding the two previous numbers to make the next number, that means it would be 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21... Then Mrs. Horan got some flowers and pinecones from her garden, a pineapple from HEB  and some shells from the science table. Using  magnifying glasses we looked at them all. Almost all of the flowers had a Fibonacci number of leaves or petals, the pinecones have a Fibonacci number of seeds in a row but when we got to the sea shells is when the things got interesting. The shells don’t have anything Fibonacci but they have the same spiral that you would get if you put the Fibonacci numbers on grid paper.

We saw a video called “The Present” and another one about Magnets.

Then we got our things and left for the day."  Mariana


Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet,Juliet,the nurse & Rosaline,and Lord Montague

                                   Aidan as Prince Escalus

 Alexander ( Romeo) and Shloka( Juliet)
                                                Carson as Friar Laurence

Jacob as Benvolio

5th graders

Andrew learning the Periodic Table.

      We had some great conversations today about ethical questions that arise from scenarios.

Monday, March 21, 2016



Students were given 20 paper towel/toilet paper tubes for part of the maze. They could cut the cardboard tubes as needed to make their maze design, but it must include 4 turns. 

Brain Projects
Lydia- Cerebral Palsy

Jathan- Animal Brains

                           Narya - Phobias

Miranda- Albert Einstein

Duncan- Logic

Reid- Effects of Drugs & Alcohol on the Brain and Body

Dario- Strokes

Dario's Kahoot presentation

                         Sean- The Skull

Mariana- Autism

Amrutha's video on the Nervous System

Ava- Short-Term & Long-Term Memory

  Rachel- Dyslexia

  Tod- Low Grade Infiltrative 

  Emily presenting her Powerpoint on Stress.