Thursday, April 14, 2016

#Techademy Field Trip, Toy Inventions, Sequencing,  & Hamlet

Students are learning sequencing from the book The Lorax. Wearing the mustache is equally as fun!

Using the Geo App on their iPads, students designed shapes that they have been studying. 


Impromp2 is a creative card game with words. The purpose of the game is for the players to use the words on their cards to continue a story from the What if....story starters.

Students are designing a toy/game that moves using only the materials that are supplied to them ( wheels, rubber bands, cardboard tubes, popsicle sticks, styrofoam cups,pencils,pipe cleaners and poster board. Below are pictures of their rough drafts. 

 Before we left for the field trip we finished Tuck Everlasting, (the ending was very sad) and then did some Algebra word problems until the bus FINALLY got there.
When we arrived at Encino Park we split up into our groups and went to different parts of the school. Earlier in the month we chose what tech center we wanted to go to. You had several chooses: Robotics, Compose Yourself, BitsBox, Puzzlets,Makey Makey, Little Bits, and Scratch  After an hour or two we met in the playground, spread out our towels and starting eating, when we finished we did the last thing on our list and then got in the bus to go back to our school. When we got back we talked about something we were going to next week, Mystery Hangout, it’s where you have a video chat with another school and you try to guess what city they’re in. When Mrs. Horan told us that the school day was over  we were all sad but we agreed it had been a good day." Mariana

We love working on our Infographics. Some of us are doing research, surveys and graphs about  fun places to have a  party , while others are doing things  like what airlines do you like for flying, and even the best cameras. We are also reading a funny book called Wednesday Wars. We are starting Hamlet, our 4th Shakespeare play book. We always do activities with these play books such as make character charts. Can't wait!!! Aiden

We are also learning about the tragic Bubonic Plaque (The Black Death) which happened in Elizabethan era and we solved a mystery about the "Kidnapped Cat".Finally,we're finishing sharing our art projects and we're starting to make our own plays with separate groups. Jacob

Adding to that, we did fun math together and it was awesome! The whole class helped each other solve the word problems. The significance of our intelligence has grown, I see. We also learned about one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays, Hamlet. It talks about a son taking revenge for his father's murder. We had plenty of fun and we appreciated this day very much. It was a very, very productive day. Ryan

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