Friday, April 8, 2016

Science Day, Superstitions, Inventions 
On Tuesday we started the GT day by talking about the last  few seconds of the Villanova basketball game on Monday night. (Mr. Horan went to Villanova). Mrs. Horan talked to us about some lessons to be learned from watching the clip. We talked about how important it is to be part of a team that didn't give up and to cooperate together. We saw how the one player was not selfish and how he gave another player the ball that allowed them to win the game. We talked  about the field trip next week to Encino Park and everyone was very excited!!! When we finished we started presenting our science projects. Some of my favorite ones were the hologram by Lydia. Isabella's home-made lava lamp, Dario's electromagnet and Duncan's hydrogen peroxide and yeast. Everyone's project was fun to observe. We read Tuck Everlasting and it was time to go home. It was a very exciting day because we got to observe a lot of different science concepts.  Mariana

4th graders
** Students are writing the captions for this weeks' pictures.** 

We learned how Shakespeare incorporated superstitions into his writing, so our class made up silly superstitions of our own.  EXAMPLE: Standing on a red chair on the first day of school will bring you bad luck for the rest of the year.
Jacob has  a Romeo and Juliet book that he found at his home. It translates the words  from Shakespeare's writing to present day writing.

Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is "dead".

Romeo and Juliet both sacrifice their lives in a misunderstanding of love.

Friar announces that Romeo and Juliet are officially dead. 
Lord Capulet and Lord Montague weep for the loss of their children.

The two families have ended the life-long feud.
                               5th GRADERS
WE MADE THE NEWS!!!!!! ( In a good way!)



1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! We did an inventor's unit earlier in the year, but certainly did not get on the news or anything like yours!!!!
